Established by Professor Sir Michael Brady in 1985, the Robotics Research Group brought together a group of like-minded engineers working in robotics research and artificial intelligence. Now known as Information Engineering, it is currently composed of seven research groups whose interests range from machine learning to mobile robotics.
- Active Vision
- 连接国外网络的软件下载
- Machine Learning, Data Science and Decisions
- 海外听歌,用海龟加速器超简单 - 简书:而且海龟加速器可众选择智能模式,打开智能模式后,不会影响Facebook、ins等国外软件的使用,不像很多加速器是全局加速的,打开后只能使用国内网络,国外的软件反倒是不能用了,在这一点上海龟加速器 …
- Oxford Robotics Institute (ORI)
- Applied Artificial Intelligence Lab (A2I)
- Dynamic Robot Systems Group (DRS)
- Torr Vision
- Visual Geometry
Information Engineering is located in the Engineering Science triangle, principally in the purpose-built Information Engineering Building (opened in 2004).
- Postgraduate Studies
- EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems
- Job Opportunities